08/07/08 The Livestock Industry and the Climate - EU Makes Bad Worse

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Animal Friends presents the Croatian translation of the report "The Livestock Industry and the Climate – EU Makes Bad Worse"

- After Swedish, English and French, and in exepctation of Dutch and Czech edition, a shocking and alarming report of the Swedish MEP Jens Holm and the journalist Toivo Jokkala is being presented to the public in Croatian language

In his foreword to "The Livestock Industry and the Climate - EU Makes Bad Worse" report, which he wrote and published with Toivo Jokkala, Jens Holm says that according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO), the livestock and meat industry accounts for 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. That is more than comes from the world’s entire transportation sector. So a change in our eating habits can make a contribution to necessary reductions of emissions.

But, that is not the direction being taken. The world's meat production is five times what it was in 1950, and will be double today’s level by 2020 if nothing is done.

It is the disadvantaged, majority world that is most adversely affected in the form of deforestation, desertification, drought and other problems associated with the livestock industry. In addition, a significant amount of their grain is exported to Europe to be used as animal fodder.

"The Livestock Industry and the Climate - EU Makes Bad Worse" report investigates the impact of the continually increasing consumption of meat on climate change, and the roll the EU plays in it. It also divulges how milk campaign is financed with taxpayers' money.

This report concludes with some concrete demands that can be pursued on both the EU and national levels: Abolish meat subsidies, let meat bear its own environmental costs and work to make modern non-meat food cheaper.

"This report sends a clear and scientifically grounded message that for the welfare of humans and animals Croatia should abolish subventions to meat and dairy industry. If it wants to think about the future and sustainability in this area, it should give support to the food production which does not waste natural resources and destroy our environment, states Luka Oman," president of Animal Friends.

"Europeans eat far too much meat and the consumption of animal products must urgently be reduced. Croatia could be a pioneer contry in Europe in concrete measures to obtain such a reduction. I can promise that would be very welcomed among many of us in the European Parliament," says Jens Holm.

Jens Holm is a member of the European Parliament, representing the Swedish Left Party. He is a member of the GUE/NGL parliamentary group, and a member of the parliamentary committee on Environment and the parliamentary committee on International Trade.

Toivo Jokkala is a Swedish journalist and writer. Since 2005, he is editor-in-chief of the Animal Rights Sweden magazine Djurens Rätt. 2003-2006, he co-edited Fronesis, the award-winning Swedish journal on social matters.

A copy of the "The Livestock Industry and the Climate - EU Makes Bad Worse" reoport was sent by Animal Friends to the ministries in charge and organizations and individuals from the same area of interest. Media representatives will also be able to get a free copy.

The Livestock Industry and the Climate - EU Makes Bad Worse [ 147.23 Kb ]

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