02/01/07 Over 70% Europeans Against Experiments on Primates
Published public consultation results of a questionnaire by the European Commission on animal testing!
After Animal Friends in July last year called upon people all over Croatia to answer a questionnaire by the European Commission, in December 2006 the results of the European Commission's public consultation on the "Protection of Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes" were finally published.
The results demonstrate public opposition to primate experimentation and animal experimentation in general, and support for tougher regulation of experiments across the EU!
Thus, 50% of respondents believe that the level of welfare and protection of animals used in experiments within the EU is very poor. Over 70% of respondents belive the use of non-human primate sin experiments is "certainly not" acceptable. Almost 50% (48.9) of respondents belive there is "certainly not" enough public funding at European level into the development and validation of alternative methods to replace animal experiments.
This sends a clear message from the people of the European Union to the Commission that they wish to see a ban on non-human primate experiments, a strong tightening up of laboratory animal protection and a major increase in funding of non-animal alternative test methods in the forthcoming revision of Directive 86/609.
In accordance with the public oppinion in the EU member states, Animal Friends will continue to lobby for the legal ban on primate experiments in Republic of Croatia.