Day of Fighting Animal Experiments

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We invite you to mark the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments!

On the anniversary of the rescue of the beagles from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia, Animal Friends starts to mark the first Day of Fighting Animal Experiments.

Mark it too!

We invite you to the protest for a final ban of all experiments on animals: Friday, July 21, 2006, at 12 noon, Prilaz baruna Filipovica 29, in front of the main entrance to GlaxoSmithKline – notorious and unscrupulous animal torturer, which recently bought Pliva's "research" center. The route of the protest will be: Zagrebacka ulica, Ilica and Ban Jelacic Square.

Don't miss it!

We raise our voice for the animals that are being tortured and slaughtered in laboratories all over the world. Mark the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments in your town! Join other protests and actions, visit a lecture or an info stall, hand out leaflets, fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

Do NOT forget the beagles from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb! They are liberated, but the actors of this affair still have not been punished. Do NOT forget the millions of animals who scream in laboratories worldwide!

The Day of Fighting Animal Experiments commemorates the fight which will last until all animal experiments end and every caring person should participate.

Join us too!

Day of fighting animal experiments

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