07/09/05 Give Me a Home

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Campaign against abandoning and for adopting companion animals continued

In Saturday, July 9, 2005, we invite citizens of Zagreb to visit information stall (that will be held on Ban Jelacic Square from 10:00 A.M. to 1 P.M.) where they can get advices and printed material on this issue, and there will also be info posters with pictures and information from the city Shetler for Abandoned Animals in Dumovac.

We invite citizens interested in this issue to visit some of the abandoned animals (protégés of Noah's Ark shelter) that will be present at the info stand and available for immediate adoption. Future adopters will receive free gifts.

At the info stand, besides the promotional material, there will also be free postcards with a clear message that invites citizens of Zagreb to to be more responsible towards companion animals. Message is also conveyed in billboards with Maja Vucic and Nikolina Pisek, which realization was carried out by Viktor Drago and Cro-A-Porter team.

With this campaign, in cooperation with City office for agriculture and forestry, we want to encourage citizens to adopt, and to publicly condemn reckless acquirement and abandonment of companion animals.

We want to raise the awareness over this issue.

Abandoned animals are straying for days; they are starving, thirsty and terrified. They usually die of dehidration or they are being killed by traffic.

A dog in Dumovec shelter 2



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