About AFC

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Animal Friends is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in 2001 with the aim to promote animal protection and animal rights as well as veganism, as ethical, ecological and healthy lifestyle.

The end goal is abolishing speciesism, or any form of abuse, torture and exploitation of animals by people, respecting animal rights and achieving biocentrism and a sustainable way of life for the good of everyone.

In their activities so far, Animal Friends has carried out hundreds of campaigns and activities where it has pointed out animal suffering occurring in the food industry, laboratories, fur farms, and in the hunting and fishing industries. The organization has also educated the public about the problem of abandoning and abusing pets.

The official Animal Friends web page is www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, and other web projects include: www.vegan.hr, www.animalist.eu, www.zegevege.com, www.veganopolis.net, www.spremi-klopu.com, www.zeleni-ponedjeljak.com, www.masovnoubijanje.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, www.vegekit.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, www.abolicija.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, www.nevidljivezivotinje.prijateljizivotinja.hr, www.saveprimates.eu, and www.futurefood.org.

Animal Friends is a member organization of EVU (European Vegetarian Union), ECEAE (European Coalition to End Animal Experiments), FFA (Fur Free Alliance), Eurogroup For Animals, IAFC (International Anti-Fur Coalition) and OIPA (International Organization for Animal Protection) and is a partner of the international organization InterNICHE. Animal Friends is also the official holder of the V-Label in Croatia.

To realize its goals Animal Friends uses the following methods:

If you are interested in:

please email us at afc@animal-friends-croatia.org.

As an organization, Animal Friends does not engage in the following activities:

If you need to rehome an abandoned animal, please use online ads exclusively. You can find out what to do with an abandoned animal and how to advertise animals that need a home here.

You can find a list of competent institutions and instructions on what to do in cases of animal negligence, abuse and killing here.

You can find the application form for membership here.

You can find how you can help here.

Animal Friends IBAN: HR2023600001101531137

Action Ban modern slavery [ 54.72 Kb ]



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