12/06/22 Stronger Control of Sale and Use of Firecrackers is Required

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Animal Friends Croatia pointed out to Minister Božinović the problem of the illegal use of firecrackers

- Because of the present Football World Cup fireworks and law violations started earlier

With major support from citizens, last year began with a total ban on the sale and use of fireworks from categories F2 and F3. Even though this legislative regulation is providing great results, the problem of the illegal use of prohibited types of pyrotechnics exists. Because of this, according to Animals Friends Croatia, additional control of the sale and use is necessary.

In order to point out this problem, which started earlier because of the present Football World Cup, they turned to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Davor Božinović. They appealed to the Ministry that the Police, during the Cup duration, as well as throughout the entire December and beginning of January, increase the control of the ban on the sale and use of fireworks and ammunition waist belts, in a way that additional police patrols are formed to control the implementation of the Law on Explosive Substances and the Production and Distribution of Weapons.

They remind us that the use of fireworks is totally banned throughout the entire year including manifestations such as sport competitions and municipal or national celebrations. „Considering that it is known when certain matches are held, the additional prior media warnings from police would help so that the sports celebrations would be held without illegal pyrotechnic”, Animal Friends Croatia states.

They also noted the fact that the other pyrotechnics from categories F2 and F3, such as rockets and fireworks cannot be used prior to December 27th. All can report those using the pyrotechnics by calling 112 or calling the local police station, and through the same can report also those who during anytime use prohibited firecrackers.

They consider that it is important to also increase the control of stores selling pyrotechnics because at the end of 2021 they were selling illegal firecrackers. The sale of pyrotechnics starts December 15th, even though you can use it from 27th December. That is why Animal Friends Croatia proposed that the sale be moved to December 27th, and the use to December 31st. It is praiseworthy that more and more retail chains are deciding not to sell any kind of pyrotechnics to help preserve human health, animals' wellbeing and reduce environmental pollution.

Pyrotechnics are extremely dangerous. Besides disturbing the elderly and sick people and also pets and their caretakers, every year has numerous counts of the horrific loss of fingers, hands and eyes, while animals die of heart attacks or in traffic due to running away in fear. The waste from pyrotechnics pollutes the soil, water and air.

„It is great that firecrackers are totally banned, and we appeal that this excellent legal provision also is implemented. We understand that the police have many other tasks, but a solution should and can be found. This will secure the better implementation of the Law and more peace and safety for people and animals and reduce injuries from firecrackers, " Animal Friends Croatia concludes.

Dog scared of firework noise [ 399.47 Kb ]

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