10/16/20 Most crops are used for livestock

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On the occasion of World Food Day on October 16, Animal Friends Croatia calls for a sustainable diet

- Consumption of food of animal origin is connected with world hunger and poverty

The global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic is a blow to everyone, and the panic that has prevailed over the possibility of food shortages and basic necessities is certainly a good reason to think about how often some things are taken for granted just because they are readily available. Animal Friends Croatia calls for consideration on this year's World Food Day on October 16 to consider an extremely important aspect of the food system - sustainability, which The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has included as one of the areas of great importance. AFC points out that the current diet, based on animal agriculture, certainly does not take into account sustainability, but leads to catastrophic food shortages and an increase in the number of hungry and poor people in the world. Raising animals for food is a tremendous waste of the world’s land and water resources.

"Every night, about 690 million people go to bed hungry, and at the same time, the world produces more than enough food to feed all the people on the planet. Believe it or not, the solution to this problem is in each of us. We can contribute to a better world starting from our own plate and the right diet", says the AFC.

"Crops are grown and fed to animals instead of humans. While some are starving, food is used for fattening farm animals. This wasteful way of obtaining food affects not only the hunger in the world and the lack of natural resources, but also a significant increase in poverty ", warn the AFC.

According to hundreds of researches and scientific studies, the breeding and feeding of animals used for meat, milk, and eggs consume huge amount of resources, fossil fuels, electricity, water, and a huge amount of crops. Globally, more than 40 percent of wheat, rye, oats, and corn is used for farm animals. It is about almost 800 million tons of food. However, not all soybeans, hay, and rapeseed have been included yet, which means that three-quarters of the total granaries (75%) are used for animal feed production. Instead of so much soy, legumes can be planted - such as beans, and peas, which will also have a positive effect on nitrogen levels in the air.

AFC also notes the importance of preserving freshwater given that water consumption has increased eightfold over the last century, and yet 1.1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. "It is frightening how intensive animal agriculture contributes to water shortage in the world. It takes about half a cubic meter of water to produce a thousand calories of food in the form of grain. Four cubic meters of water are needed to produce the same number of calories in the form of animal meat. Six cubic meters of water are needed to produce dairy products. The shortage of drinking water could very quickly become a problem for half of humanity, which can cause unprecedented conflicts in the world, "said the AFC.

“The only sustainable diet and nutrition of the future is the one based on plant-based foods,” Animal Friends says, urging: “More and more people around the world are choosing a vegan diet or at least choosing plant-based foods. There is a growing awareness every day that this is the only way we can feed a growing world population and preserve our planet. The issue of nutrition in the 21st century has become a matter of survival not only for humans but for the whole of nature. Switching to a meatless diet means changing the world by changing yourself, and World Food Day is a great opportunity to take the first steps towards a sustainable diet. ”

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