08/04/03 A Moment in Time

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Animal Friends joins an international campaign "A Moment in Time"

- The campaign "A Moment In Time" will be held around the world at 9 P.M. our time

On August 4, 2003, the Canadian Voice For Animals, in collaboration with Welfare for Animals in Greece (WAG-New York, a Lobby Group) has dedicated a specific day for the citizens of the world to devote "A Moment in Time" in contemplation, reflection and prayer for the homeless, the lost, the helpless, the suffering, the hungry and frightened... the abandoned and forgotten animals of this globe we call Earth.

On CVFA invitation, together with animal welfare and rights organizations from more than 50 countries and all continents, Animal Friends joined this campaign. Animal Friends invites all people that at 9:00 P.M. our time devote this moment in contemplation, reflection or prayer for animals.

We invite all interested to join us on Monday, August 4, 2003 at 9:00 P.M. (8:00 P.M.-Greenwich Mean Time) and unite their thoughts for all animals in the world:

Please join hearts, minds and energy with CVFA and WAG for a moment of contemplation and prayer for those innocent souls with whom we share this planet. Join minds with people from African countries, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, England, France, Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Canada, China, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Hungary, The Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, United States of America, Tasmania, etc.

Join hearts also for the animals that suffer captured in the cages, factories, laboratories, that are poisoned, exhausted or hunted. Share this moment in time for all those innocent creatures.

This milestone event will occur on August 4th of each and every year.

We are asking all the media and individuals to spread a message about this event.




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