Exhibition about Fur in the European Parliament

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"Make Fur History" shows why the fur industry belongs in the past

- Numerous info panels show the facts against breeding animals for fur

Starting on January 23rd, 2018, the exhibit "Make Fur History: Why the fur industry belongs in the past" opens at the European Parliament, lasting until January 25th. The exhibition will demonstrate why the fur industry is a thing of the past to the members of the European Parliament and other interested visitors.

The opening of the exhibition will be followed by a roundtable discussion with Member States representatives, members of the European Parliament, scientists and others interested in the topic.

This useful and educational display will use transparent graphics to convey substantial information about the prevailing public opinion against fur and its negative impact on biodiversity and local communities. It will also reveal the truth behind the misconception of animal fur being "green" and offer examples of the growing number of countries that have banned or restricted fur farming. It will explain the problem of the inability to insure the welfare of battery caged animals. For those unable to see it in Bruxelles, part of the information and graphics are available here.

The exhibit was organized by the Eurogroup for Animals, Otwarte Klatki and Fur Free Alliance organizations and European Conservatives and Reformists Group—ECR.

Attendees of the exhibit’s opening include: Beata Mazurek, deputy of Marsal Sejm (Polish House of Commons), Krzysztof Czabański, member of the Polish Parliament, and prof. Andrzej Elzanowski of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Jarosław Kaczyński, head of the leading Polish party Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwośc—PiS) will present himself via video message, and a letter written by animal rights activist and actress Brigitte Bardot will be opened and read.

Guests and representatives from Poland, where a potential fur farming ban is a current topic of debate, are best acquainted with farming’s consequences on the local community. For years, the locals have been fighting against the construction and expansion of new farms due to the unbearable stench, fly infestations and environmental pollution.

The ban on fur farming in Croatia came into force on January 1st, 2017, and most of European citizens have a similar stance: the fur industry belongs in the past!

Make Fur History [ 112.59 Kb ]

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