06/03/09 Animal Friends YouTube Channel

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Films on Animal Friends YouTube channel got more than 100,000 hits

- After Animal Friends YouTube channel getting more than 100,000 hits a film "A Life Connected" is uploaded

Animal Friends presents short educational films on its channel on the Internet portal YouTube, in order to make information on animal rights, vegetarianism and ecology translated into Croatian available to the public.

Films thematically cover topics like circuses, zoos, companion animal trade, horse races, fur and leather industry, animal experimentation, meat industry, global warming and environment pollution, giving useful information and practical solutions.

Animal Friends YouTube channel www.youtube.com/afcroatia has more than 30 films and their number is continually increasing. The channel got over 100,000 hits, which was the reason to translate and upload the new film "A Life Connected" which in 12 minutes shows us how much each of us can do for humans, other animal species and the environment we live in and depend upon.

The most viewed film on the Animal Friends YouTube channel is "No Heart for Lucy," whilst the good reviews went to the recently uploaded film "Veni Vidi Vegani." Besides films, one can find video footage from the protests and invitations to events on the channel.

Most of the films are also available on DVD as compilations, which can be ordered free of charge on the web portal www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr and are copyright free.

We invite everyone interested to visit the Animal Friends YouTube channel, watch the new film and inform their friends and acquaintances about www.youtube.com/afcroatia. The channel offers the possibility to register for getting information about new films.

Everyone who can help in developing the channel by translating, subtitling, dubbing and editing of videos that have not yet been translated and edited.

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