05/30/09 Because No One Deserves That

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Animal Friends in Vukovar brings attention to the hidden victims in laboratories

Animal Friends wants to remind citizens of the millions of mice, cats, monkeys, fish, rats, dogs, bird, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs, horses, and many other species who suffer behind laboratory walls and invite everyone to purchase only cruelty-free products.

On Saturday, May 30, beginning at 12 noon, "immobilized" activists with visible "wounds" on their faces will symbolically show the helplessness and suffering of laboratory prisoners tortured and killed for profit. In addition to a performance that calls for compassion, Animal Friends will set an information stall from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. in order to hand out informative leaflets and the latest 'White List' of companies which do not test their products on animals. The petition for the legal ban of experiments on primates will also be available for signing at the information stall.

As a member of The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE), Animal Friends also represents the Humane Cosmetics Standard – HCS. The companies that comply with the HCS agreed to perform a regular revisions in order to prove that in their businesses, they do not tolerate the abuse of animals, nor their torturing and killing for the purpose of testing ingredients and final products. The companies that comply with the HCS and whose products are available on the Croatian market are specially marked on the "White List." Those interested in finding out more information can visit www.hr.eceae.org and www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

The Croatian Animal Protection Act prohibits animal experiments for cosmetics, cleansers and their ingredients. Denmark and Sweden have banned selling cosmetics that contain ingredients tested on animals, a ban which should come to effect in the EU in the year 2013.

In experiments various chemicals are poured in animals' eyes and on their shaved backs. Animal experimentation victims are placed in restraining devices and sometimes break their necks or backs attempting to escape the pain. Those who survive are used in additional painful tests, until they are eventually killed. The most common reactions are swelling, blindness, redness, infections, poisoning of internal organs, convulsions, vomiting, paralysis and various types of bleeding - from the nose, eyes and mouth, painful death in agony.

There is no legal obligation for testing cosmetic products on animals – animal testing protects only producers, not the consumers. For manufacturers, it is an easy way to satisfy legal obligations and protect themselves from possible charges. Buyers can make producers choose modern and safer methods which do not use animals.

Animals are also poisoned to death in so called "safety tests." In disease research, they are surgically mutilated, blinded, burnt, starved, psychologically tormented, and infected with lethal viruses.

The UK conducts about three million experiments every year. A poll of British GPs found that more than 80 per cent are concerned about the reliability of animal research. One recent major study assessed the accuracy of more than 200 research projects that used thousands of animals. Around half failed to predict human outcomes accurately.

Using animals to test products is unreliable, expensive and slow. Science will not progress until the use of live animals in experiments is completely abandoned and scientists switch to modern, humane testing methods such as the use of cell and computer models.

Because nobody deserves it - Vukovar [ 126.77 Kb ]Because nobody deserves it - Vukovar [ 124.89 Kb ]Because nobody deserves it - Vukovar [ 101.60 Kb ]Because nobody deserves it - Vukovar [ 304.59 Kb ]



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