08/29/06 Response to an Article "Parents' Negligence"

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To the editorial of Vecernji list

We are writing to you because of numerous responses we got due to the article published in Vecernji list titled "Parents' Negligence," on August 26, 2006, in your column Horizon and we ask you, for the sake of credibility and reputation of Vecernji list, to verify the texts you publish because selectively calling vegetarians, vegans and macrobiotics child abusers is not only spreading out misinformation, but is a calumny too! We ask you to publish our response to the previously mentioned article published in your paper.

Members of Animal Friends shudder seeing the text in which vegetarians and macrobiotics are selectively called child abusers. This is not only spreading misinformation, but also is a defamation of many who want to secure a healthier childhood for their children and build respect in them for animals and nature. It is a disgrace that today, when the World Health Organization and almost all competent institutions have a hard time persuading parents to feed themselves and their children healthier - considering an omnipresent overly high intake of proteins and fats of animal origin and refined carbohydrates - somebody accuses those who, because of their own education and conscience, want to feed themselves and their children a lot healthier and a lot safer.

Given that vegetarians no matter their age are in average more vital and healthier and less prone to diseases, poisonings and infections and when it is known that most people decide not to eat animals because out of health issues, comparing vegetarians and macrobiotics to child abusers is equal a calumny.

If we look up to the western culture, as we claim we do, or at least not look too far from it, it would be interesting to publish a text like this for example in Germany where the number of vegetarians is larger than the total population of Croatia has citizens and see their reaction!

As an organization we advise citizens to, above all, educate themselves and if they really want to take care of their health they will be brought to a vegetarian or even vegan diet!

With respect,

Luka Oman
President of Animal Friends



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